Skyggelinsen 2 – Kampen om kraftfeltet – 2024
Efter Martins opgør med Manden fra Sombra begynder der at ske ulykker på Markgårdskolen. Da Martin selv slår sig, opdager han, at noget gemmer sig i skolens kameraer. Noget levende, der er undsluppet fra Sombras værksted og nu bruger ulykkerne til at samle energi gennem et kraftfelt.
Martin og hans venner beslutter at ødelægge kraftfeltet, før nogen kommer alvorligt til skade. Det bliver startskuddet til en kamp på liv og død mod en fjende, som både benytter overvågning og mørk magi til at rydde enhver modstand af vejen.
Køb den via Saxo, William Dam eller Forlaget Brændpunkt.
After Martin’s showdown with the Man from Sombra, people start to get hurt in his school. When Martin himself gets in an accident, he discovers that something is lurking in the school cameras. Something sentient that escaped Sombra’s workshop and is now using the accidents to gather energy through a force field.
Martin and his friends decide to destroy the force field before anyone gets badly hurt. That’s the start of a life and death struggle against an enemy that uses surveillance and dark magic to remove any opposition.
Skyggelinsen 1 – Manden fra Sombra -2022
Da Martins skole bliver smadret af ukendte hærværksmænd, beslutter inspektøren at sætte kameraer op over det hele. Det er noget skidt, når man går i 7.c., bliver slået derhjemme og egentlig helst vil gemme sig for de voksne.
Martin går til kamp mod overvågningen sammen med sine venner Bosse, Hjalte og Marie. Men ingen af dem er klar over, at skoleinspektøren har lukket noget meget farligt ind på skolen, eller at deres modstander er klar til at bruge magi for at gennemføre sine planer.
Manden fra Sombra er 1. del i serien Skyggelinsen og er en magisk historie for børn om at sætte sig op mod skygger, overvågning og voksne, der vil styre ens liv.
Køb den via Forlaget Brændpunkt, Bog&Idé eller hos
When Martin’s school is trashed by unknown Vandals, the principal decides to put up cameras everywhere. Which is bad if you’re in the seventh grad, gets beaten up at home, and really just wants to hide from the grownups.
Martin fights the surveillance with his friends Bosse, Hjalte and Marie. But none of them realize that the principal has set something very dangerous loose on the school, or that their adversary is ready to use magic to see his plans come true.
The Man from Sombra is the first book in the series The Shadow Lens, a magical story for children about going up against shadows, surveillance and grownups who want to control your life.
Free Short Stories
- “Lubarbri”. Worlds of SF, F & H III, January 2018. (E-book from Smashwords)
- “Spores of Freedom”. Daily Science Fiction, August 2017.
- “The Demi-Arcanist’s Will”. The Worlds of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Volume 2, November 2016.
- “Life Around the Bend”. Domain SF, September 2015
- “A Multiverse Love Story”. Available through Curious Fictions. Originally published in AE Scifi, July 2015.
- “Master of Business Apocalypse”. Available through Curious Fictions. Originally in Unidentified Funny Objects 3, September 2014.
- “View of an Apocalyptic Paradise”. Everyday Fiction, June 2014
- “A Breath of Wheat”. Every Day Fiction, Oct. 2012
- “Mornings, With Teenage Genius”. Every Day Fiction, June 2012
- “Monsters Big and Small”. Daily Science Fiction, May 2012
- “Magician at the Court”. OG’s Speculative Fiction Issue #30
- “Meditation for the Dead”. Flash Fiction Online (April 2011)
- “9 of 10”. Every Day Fiction
- “The Tower of Excellence”. OG’s Speculative Fiction #5
Short Stories in Magazines and Anthologies for Sale
- “How to Write a Novel in Ten Days During the Zombie Apocalypse”. Forthcoming in Pulp Literature 2025.
- “Heather Country”. Nordic Visions anthology, October 2023
- “When the Mine Sang”. On Spec Magazine, July 2021
- “Culinary Subjugation”. Pulp Literature, Summer 2020
- “Room Special”. Five Minutes at Hotel Stormcove, May 2019
- “Woolly Diplomacy”. Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine Issue 74, March 2019
- “Reconstruction”. Space&Time Magazine Issue #131, May 2018
- “Lubarbri”. Worlds of SF, F & H III, January 2018. (Printed anthology from Amazon)
- “The Forgotten City”. Space&Time Magazine Issue #126, September 2016
- “Philosophical Warfare”. Procyon Science Fiction Anthology, August 2016
- “His Hunter’s Spirit” (Reprint) FrostFire Worlds, November 2015
- “Broodmother”. Intergalactic Medicine Show, April 2015
- “Master of Business Apocalypse”. Unidentified Funny Objects 3
September 2014
- “Hidden Folders”. Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine Issue 60. September 2014
- “The Vringla/Racket Incident”. Far Orbit Anthology – edited by Bascomb James. April 2014
- “Expert Adman”. Space&Time Magazine Issue #113, Spring 2011
- “Farewell Dinner”. Forbidden Speculation. (Dec. 2007)
Short Stories in Danish
- “Jørgens Drager”. Lige Under Overfladen 16 – Uden for Intet, 2021
- “Sandsynlighedskrydstogt”. Lige Under Overfladen 14 – Sandsynlighedskrydstogt, 2019
- “Verdensherredømme”. Lige Under Overfladen 13 – De Fremmede, 2018
- “The Demi-Arcanist’s Will”. Far Fetched Fables, Ep. 175. September 2017. (Originally published in The Worlds of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Volume 2, November 2016.) Available through Spotify and other podcast services. Just google Far Fetched Fables.
- “Master of Business Apocalypse”. Far Fetched Fables, Ep. 132, November 2016. (Originally published in Unidentified Funny Objects 3
September 2014. Available through Spotify and other podcast services. Just google Far Fetched Fables.
- “Sandsynlighedskrydstogt” – The Danish Podcast ‘Robotter på loftet’ discusses my short story ‘Sandsynlighedskrydstogt’ (Probability Cruise). Danish content only.
Want to watch a movie?
Alex Grybauskas turned ‘Monsters Big and Small’ into this wonderful short film!
Out of Print, Out of Sight
- “The Great Equalizer”. Interstellar Fiction, Jan. 2013.
- “Big T”. Darwin’s Evolutions, 2011.
- … Along with a handful of other stories published a long time ago.